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Interview series

Interview with Experts

This course includes interviews and booklets from various professionals that will give you an upper hand when making educational decisions about your child and any child.
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The 'I', 'E', 'P' in IEP

Take a look in to understading the most important concepts and ideas in a child's Individualized Education Plan in three brief sessions that will motivate you in your role as a parent or professional advocate by reinforcing critical areas of advocacy to focus ones heart and mind to.
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Video series

The Eight Critical Courses in Advocacy

In this video series we will discuss some of the most important aspects of how to advocate correctly and efficiently.
  • Overview of IEP's, Section 504, IDEA, & Parent Advocacy
  • Parent, Student and Advocate Participation - How to Get Your Voice Heard
  • The 5 IEP Domains and the Importance of the PLOP's
  • Expert Goal Writing and Why it Matters
  • Linking Goals to Appropriate Services and Support
  • The Question of Placement and Least Restrictive Environment
  • "I got the IEP I Hoped For - Now What?"
  • How to Handle School Disagreements