Interviews with Experts
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Interviewer: Krista Barth
with over 10+ experts interviewed -
Average Interview Video Length:
25 minutes -
Click on the plus + sign to learn which expert speaks on that specific topic.
Do you have questions about the special education eligibility/evaluation process as well as educational planning post evaluation?
Check out Dr. Brandi Tanner and Valeria Fontanals' Interviews.
Do you need a roadmap of what to do when the school says 'NO' or refuses to provide your child with a Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE)?
Your questions will be thoroughly answered by renowned national advocate Jamison Jessup's interviews.
Are you looking to learn tried and true tools towards more effective communication and thus more effective advocacy with your child or client's school-based team?
Jamison Jessup and Krista Barth divulge communication strategies that have served them best in over 30 years of combined experience in special education advocacy.
Do you have a child or client that you advocate for with moderate to significant behaviors in the school and home setting?
Coach Franny and Dr. Rebecca Babcock Fenerci discuss effective methodology to assist in behavioral regulation and to foster the necessary collaboration between home and school.
Do you struggle with understanding how to devise appropriate and high stakes goals for students with disabilities?
Ray Nelson discusses the importance of the presumption of competence in all facets of special education.
Do you have an interest in furthering your own learning as it relates to communication disorders?
Lauren Stradley M.S. Former Educator and now child advocate shares her expertise as it relates to the interconnection between behavior, communication, inclusive education and academic performance.
Are you looking to get your voice heard and counted for at the IEP table?
Listen to Special Education Attorney, Dayna Friduss' discussion regarding the law and parent input and how to better advocate for the vision of the parent for their child.
Do you want to understand the concept of inclusivity in our public schools at a deeper and more philosophical level?
Parent Activist, Steve Moyer, passionately paves a way for inclusive education through his experiences in filing state complaints and in advocating for his own son.
Do you often wonder how to best prepare a disabled student for an independent and fulfilling life after high school?
Veteran, National Advocate and Former Administrator, Shemica Allen discusses the transition portion of the IEP, which begins at age 14 and earlier depending on your state.